Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Another day...

Hmmmm, it's been awhile since I've had the time to write anything let alone have a few thoughts to myself! Some days just seem to get away with me and the munchkins.
 Lately we have been figuring  out what it is we really like to do. That is besides making a huge mess!! Seriously we have some fun throwing toys all about, stomping on them and then scattering them all over the place! I mean really who wouldn't like to be able to do just that every day?
 Oh then there are the really super neato fun times when we all decide that it would be great fun to throw our food on the floor and watch poor Miss Wendy hold her tongue! Now man those are the days.
 Let's take today for example....today has been just like any other day as of late. Except one little difference.....my own son was home from school sick. Or so I thought he was sick! The little stinker decided he didn't want to go to school today and wanted to play games all day long with the kids. He has instigated several near fights, near food fights in the kitchen over lunch and an almost near Naptime revolt!
 Now let's complicate matters even more and add in the phone ringing off the hook with telemarketers, being on hold for nearly 30min with a doctor's office and finally throw in the wails of an infant who just wants to be held !! Yes it is aggravating, time consuming and never ending...but this is what I do all day. So I say bring on the demands, bring on the whinny munchkins, the overbearing parents and yes bring on the hugs!! For they alone make each and every day worth while.
Imagine the smile on my face with the realization that it is already nearly 3pm and my day ends shortly......yes priceless!!

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