Thursday, July 22, 2010

I think I can, I think I can...

This is dedicated to all the women who think they can do it all ~
~ Lord knows I try but keep falling on my face!!~

My day starts off every morning at 1:30am~mainly because my DH has to get up and get ready for work and I do the same.(What an ungodly hour to be getting up! ) Specially since my first daycare kid shows up at 4:10am.
Oh the joy of finding my youngest in the living room this morning too~yes he was wide awake and watching cartoon central. Had fixed his breakfast already and was wearing half of it! Picture this~a little boy about 8.5yrs sitting on a sofa with a bowl of CoCo Puffs and signing to Backyardigans~I love being a mommy to an independent kid.
Fast forward a few hours~Now I have most of the daycare kids here and it's breakfast time for everyone and I had put on the menu for today "Pancakes". Really not a bad thing in itself, however not very good planning on my part either. Why? Hmm, well it's the first day of college here and that means that I have a new baby starting, 2 returning kids (that I haven't seen all summer), and today is the day that the "monster child" is here! So as I am spooning out batter onto the griddle (imagine if you will) enters the new baby screaming because it is starving ( mom decided she didn't have time to nurse this morning her hair was more important) and the other two returnee's screaming because they too don't want mommy or daddy to go back to school(yea they dropped off early too, some excuse about needing to stop for breakfast!). Got that mental picture yet? It only gets more hectic here, as the morning goes on. The diaper changing, the boogers, and yes more screams of frustration. All while I am trying to maintain a sense of happiness and fun.
Lets jump into outside play now, shall we....Oh the joy of today while I battle this terrible cold. The kids are going absolutely bonkers today, mainly because they have figured out that Miss Wendy doesn't feel well. Kinda like we all did as kids when there was a substitute in school. Can you feel my pain? My head is throbbing, my nose is running and I have lost my voice by now. Picture this group of out of control kids all between the ages of 18mths-5yrs, then throw in the mix the new baby and my 2 kids that are 16yrs & 8 1/2 youngest (the one who was up before me) is now the whinny one because the other kids are looking at him! Duh...your acting like a baby!! My 16yr. old is trying to help out today, bless his soul, but he's not moving fast enough for me...I know picky me. Anyways he's gotten them interested in some weird ball game and they are happy to be running, yelling, laughing, being goofy and having fun....all outside!!! Oh my ears~~ring ring~darn phone..No Honey I didn't make that call for you, no call and make your own appointment, no I don't know whats for dinner, No No NO~yes I am cranky~ you would be too if you slept in a freaking chair because you can't breath~Geez do You not see how I feel?!
Now it's time for the lunch session to begin, starting with the youngest and moving on up to the older ones. Again I didn't plan well for the meal but i make it work, chop the meat up for the beef and gravy over rice, put the rice on to cook, quick grab a bottle for the baby....stop by the highchair and give the 18mth yr old another couple of carrots. Now as I grab out the extra chairs to set up for lunch, I notice the distinct smell of a yukky diaper~OMG it's horrible~Who fed that child what??!! Lord that smell could make even the straightest hair curly. Ok situation Diaper bombing is under control, thank goodness I remembered to turn off the stove-lunch could have burned! Ok time to lay baby down for nap...burp already~Burp~yea small victory for me! Ok start dishing up the lunch-shoot where's the veggie? Oh yea in the micro.......ok wash up time kids!! No it's not play in the water time, come on guys you know how we do this.........No J.D. that's not your seat, that's Reid's, now stop crying she didn't mean to sit there....and on it goes until they get their plate.
Now mind you this is all going on at the very same time the concrete guy decides to show up and start replacing the sidewalk on the south side of my house. Yes I hired him, however when he said he was going to start today I assumed that meant he would be here in the morning~not at lunch time when it is the busiest!! (Actually I call it feeding frenzy time) Enter some stranger to a group of starving kids~ can you say CHAOS?! Yea it's a zoo in here today....OK sorry I can't hear you. He walks out and the next thing I know, we loose power!! The ceiling fans stop whirring, the fan on the stove stops, the clocks start blinking, my computer!! Oh No!!??!! What has he done, I'm gonna kill him, the idiot, he didn't did he?? Yep cut through the power lines to my house!!!
So yea lunch goes on, the noise levels drop slowly, the kids get cleaned up for nap time, everybody finds there spots for nap, diaper party commences again, I take the ringer off the hook, I sit down with my juice and laptop...........
Thank goodness for a sense of humor and a smile :) Hey Wanna trade with me???


  1. OMG~ Wendy I am so glad you started this... I love you and you CRACK me the hell up!!!! :) HiLaRiOuS!!!!!!!

  2. I can picture you in the Calgon Commercial. Calgon... Take me away!!!! Thanks for letting us laugh at your expense.
