Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Diaper Party!?

There was once a time in my life that even the shear thought of changing a diaper made me cringe. Funny how my life now revolves around diapers!!

Let's take yesterday for instance. Oh it was about time to feed the infants, there were four of the little rascals all at different stages in the game. Some are just starting to toddle around while others are literally running marathons now!! Any how I gather all the items, the diapers and wipes and creams and what not, take my place on the floor. Then as each one toddles on by I reach out and swoop them up and lay them down to do a quick change; or so I thought!!!

The first one rounds the corner and spies me on the floor, instantly he knows what time it is and tries to pass me with his lightning speed! Ah Ha!!! gotcha~Whew what the heck is that smell? Lordy what have your parents been feeding you? Better yet my mind screams, what just crawled up your toosh and died?! LOL, Oh My Goodness, as my eyes literally start to water. Then my mind jumps into second gear and I quickly reach behind me to grab the towel before his tooshy hits the floor and everything comes oozing out !!

Yuck!!! It is as bad as I first thought. Oh good grief, this poor little boy. I bet he sure feels better though, lord no wonder he's been a little on the winey side. Ok back to reality and the task at hand. Ok, I know I can do this, I've done this a million times at least this year alone. Quick take a deep breath in and don't whatever you do, Wendy, inhale through your nose until this one is safely disposed of. Ummmm yep this one is a doozey!!

Oh lord the smell is starting to make me gag, hold it together girl you can do this. Come on just a few more passes with the wipey's. Oh great, I have depleted all the wipey's!!! Panic starts to set in as I fumble to keep a hold of the squirming little guy making sure he doesn't accidentally get his yucky tooshy on anything. Oh great, NO! Now is not the time to put your hand down there!! Oh gross! Great now I have a hand to clean up quickly too. Double Yuck!!

Thank goodness my Witt's are about me, I can just barely reach the other wipey's with my right foot. Come on reach girl, a little more, a little more....YEAH!! Success!! Ok with my toes I can get this stupid container open. Come on just a bit more....YEAH!!! ( gotta love having nimble toes!) Now to figure out how to get the wipey's out without releasing the grip on the child? Hmmmm, this took a little more cleaver thought. Picture me with kids playing all around, the dogs barking as the mailman just delivered, and now of course the phone starts to ring. I really didn't want the other kids near, so I decided to do what any other insane provider would attempt to do...dump the wipey's on the floor and bend over and get a few in the mouth! Sure that would work, right?

Ummm let's just say that wipe's taste horrible! I really need four hands at times and I have learned to check the wipey container before starting another Diaper Party!!

1 comment:

  1. Girl, you are too funny. I had to share this one w/ my oldest son who got a kick out of the story too, LOL! You're a hoot!
